Monday 17 November 2014

Train Tracking and Ticket Booking Just Got a Whole Lot Revolutionized

Have you ever considered that during your journey you could get lost? Well there is a possibility that tracking train in ancient times wasn’t possible.

Indian railways for decades since the time of colonialism has been majorly responsible for making sure that everyone has easy access to traveling anywhere at any part of the country. There are a large number of trains and stations available right now for various passengers who wish to travel in Indian railways. However technology has come a long way and it has evolved a lot. Now you can spot your train anywhere and at any place in this country. Train tracking has certainly become a lot more advanced and so has booking train tickets using online railways account services.

spot the train
Train Tracking - TravelKhana
The best part about having train tracking services is that travelers now who order food online can get their food easily without any delay. Many travel portals today are using the train tracking system to deliver their food to the customers with the help of local vendors without any delay.

khana online
Khana Online - TravelKhana
 Train tracking service has certainly brought out the necessary changes required to make it possible for people to order online and also ensure that they have good food during the journey. Anyways booking a train berth is several mouse clicks away. You need only be armed with a working computer at least sixty days ahead of your planned journey date.

The website strives for a hassle-free and user-friendly experience for prospective passengers searching for reservation or seat availability. Further, Indian railways website has launched mobile accessibility through SMS booking and applications, popularly known as ‘apps’ that can be downloaded on smart phones.

As long as you are equipped with an online account ID, accessing train routes, fares and seat availability from the comfort of your home could not have been easier. The sixty day binding time period for long distance journeys may be rendered non-binding on the occasions of urgent ticket booking requirements. For all such pressing cases, the wonderful Tatkal Ticket Booking system has been introduced that made tickets available within twenty-four hours of the journey date.

The modernization of Indian Railway Seat Availability has taken a step ahead with the introduction of ‘Mushkil Aasaan’. These vans are parked at various pre-determined locations implementing ‘the idea of taking the issuance of computerized tickets both reserved and UN-reserved to both urban and rural areas so that poor people who are unable to go to the stations can now purchase tickets in market places, mohalls and other busy places’.

mobile ticketing vans
Mobile Ticketing Vans
Although the number of ticket booking facilities accessible to the average railway passenger today far exceeds what our forefathers could ever have imagined, it certainly does not guarantee every online user a seat on the desired train. Prior to festive periods or common vacation dates, e-tickets vanish within seconds of their going on sale leaving many users irate and looking for alternatives that they only find in travel agents who charge exorbitant commission fees for their services of almost magically producing tickets in the least hopeful circumstances. The prayers for railway seat availability is still very much there, perhaps much easier now with the comfort of chairs positioned opposite computer screens instead of newspaper mats before the dingy booking counters, and freshly made coffee instead of the flask-held one.


Alia parker said...
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Alia parker said...

It was so amazing article i must say. Because online ticket booking is available but easy booking is not available. From here i learned so many things on online ticket booking. Thank you so much. Concerts near me

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